Emory Studies in Law and Religion Series
Series Editor: John Witte, Jr.
This book series explores the religious dimensions of law, the legal dimensions of religion, and the interaction of legal and religious ideas and institutions – historically and today, in the Western tradition and beyond. Written by leading scholars of religion, ethics, history, law, philosophy, political science, government, and related fields, these volumes are products of the new global study of law and religion. The volumes serve as ideal classroom texts, research guides, and accessible introductions to the complex interactions of law and religion, especially in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
For information on individual titles published and forthcoming in the Emory University Studies in Law and Religion Series, see the following link on the William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company website:
Emory Studies in Law and Religion Series
Emory Studies in Law and Religion Series
Copyright © John Witte, Jr. 2016-2025